Monday, October 31, 2016

Chapter Two Begins

Okay, in reality, who knows what chapter we are on at this point. We’ve experienced so much in just two and a half months here I don’t know how we’d break it down. And, that doesn’t even include the 18 months of prayer, discernment, applications, support raising, etc. that took place in the States before we got here.

But, we’re looking big picture here, and if we viewed the first chapter of our time here in Hungary as wrapping up the playoffs and fall seasons for our baseball and softball teams, it has come to a close.

Yesterday marked...

Monday, October 10, 2016

10 things on the 10th of October

October sunset at the field

Sziasztok! (Hello, everyone!) It’s chilly and fall-like here in Hungary, and we’re both doing all right – we have up and down days, but we’ve been busy making some good connections with Hungarians and with our OM team. Since it’s the 10th day of the 10th month, we thought we’d give you 10 quick tidbits about what’s happening here and what we’re learning.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A request for the refugee question

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month and a half since we left the States! This week Patrick and I looked at each other and said, “This is feeling a little more familiar.” We are gaining a little more competency each week, even though we still have a long way to go.

We’ve learned some new Hungarian phrases such as “You’re welcome,” “how are you,” and my longest phrase, “Sorry, I don’t know much Hungarian. Do you know English?” Here’s that last one in Hungarian: “Bocsánat, nem igazen beszélek magyarul. Tudsz angolul?” It’s a blessing that the Duolingo app just added Hungarian!

We’ve also found out where most of the groceries we need are in the store, so our store trips have gotten much more efficient. Both of us are able to drive now. We are starting to connect with some of the ballplayers, especially the softball team. They are a fun group of girls, and several of them speak some English, so we are excited for those friendships to grow.

But besides just a quick life update on us, I wanted to let you know about something else that’s happening here in Hungary. It’s about a question that many countries are facing, including the U.S.: What to do about refugees.

If you drive anywhere in Hungary right now, you will see these signs everywhere. On billboards, buses, bridges, buildings. Everywhere. They have the Hungarian flag as the background and they say, “Do not take chances. Vote no.”

The reason for these signs is that...