
We are trusting God to provide the funds we need to serve in Hungary for our initial two-year commitment. If you would like to be a part of our ministry and invest in helping Hungarians hear the Gospel, you can give online through OM or contact us for other gifting options.

We can’t thank you enough for your gift! Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you this way.

Our account number: 1000673552

  • Give a one-time or monthly gift.
  • Send a check. Write a check payable to OM and mail it to:
  • Operation Mobilization
    PO Box 444
    Tyrone, GA, 30290
    Write our name and account number (1000673552) on the memo line of the check and/or enclose a note (or commitment card) with the gift, with our name and account number.
  • If you would like to give monthly through your bank account or credit/debit card but would rather not use the online option, contact us for a form.

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