Thursday, June 23, 2016

Catching Up at the End of June

Wow! It’s been a busy month.

Since we last posted, we’ve celebrated Patrick’s birthday, attended a bridal shower and wedding, babysat for our adorable nephew, visited our two gorgeous nieces in Memphis, and attended a weeklong training conference just outside of Atlanta.

The training conference at the OM USA headquarters in Tyrone, Georgia, is called the Quarry, and our group consisted of one other married couple and five singles all about to journey out to different parts of the world to serve the same Creator. It was a full but beneficial week. We had some helpful training, seminars, and discussion (more specifics to come in a future post), but perhaps what stood out most to us was the ability to speak with other people going through the same things we are.

We have an incredible support system in place (thanks in large part to many of you reading this), but it was therapeutic being able to talk through things with other folks experiencing the same process. Whether it is preparing for the goodbyes, raising financial support, or just trying to find time for the simple things in life, we all had an experience to share and learn from.

Stay tuned for a more in-depth post next week with more details (and even some pictures!) about our experience at the Quarry.

In the meantime, please consider using the extra time you have from reading a shorter blog post to pray about the following things. :)

1. We had seven different countries represented at the conference in terms of where mission workers are headed. We know each of these mission workers would appreciate prayers for themselves and the country they’re headed to. Would you consider praying for one of them each day over the next week?

  • Hungary
  • Ecuador
  • Moldova
  • Albania
  • Kosovo
  • Ireland
  • Argentina

2. Our first move - While we are headed to Hungary in less than two months, we are first moving out of our apartment in Louisville on July 15-16. We anticipate spending our last month in the U.S. visiting family and friends. While it’s obviously a necessary step, this is the only home we’ve known together as husband and wife, so saying goodbye to it will be bittersweet.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God has been and continues to be so gracious to us, and we look forward to all that lies ahead while trying to soak up life as it stands now.

Patrick and Jessica

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