Sunday, August 21, 2016


From Patrick, Sunday morning: So, we arrived safely in Hungary after three smooth flights and even managed to have all of our luggage arrive with us — what a blessing! We were grateful all of our bags came in at weight or underweight at the airport, but nothing over. The last bag on the scale even came in at a perfect 50.0 lbs.! A huge shout-out to Sherry Alyea and her magnificent packing skills.

We are currently staying in the ‘back house’ of two American mission workers here in Hungary. We are incredibly grateful for their hospitality and also to have our own space. In the little more than a day we’ve been here we’ve managed to get unpacked, make a couple of meals despite the ovens being different (hey, it’s the little victories), and take a brief walk around our new neighborhood.

Despite a very nice Saturday for Jessica and me getting settled in, I feel so unsettled. It’s 2 a.m. and I’m not able to sleep — probably some combination of the travel throwing things off and emotions. Emotions have been a bit all over the place for us the last few weeks, but especially since we took off on Thursday. We’re excited, scared, anxious, and just about any other term you can think of. Jessica has been amazing, helping me to focus when I’ve been down and being such a bright light. While I never want to see her struggle, I certainly hope I can repay the favor if and when it’s necessary.