Sunday, August 21, 2016


From Patrick, Sunday morning: So, we arrived safely in Hungary after three smooth flights and even managed to have all of our luggage arrive with us — what a blessing! We were grateful all of our bags came in at weight or underweight at the airport, but nothing over. The last bag on the scale even came in at a perfect 50.0 lbs.! A huge shout-out to Sherry Alyea and her magnificent packing skills.

We are currently staying in the ‘back house’ of two American mission workers here in Hungary. We are incredibly grateful for their hospitality and also to have our own space. In the little more than a day we’ve been here we’ve managed to get unpacked, make a couple of meals despite the ovens being different (hey, it’s the little victories), and take a brief walk around our new neighborhood.

Despite a very nice Saturday for Jessica and me getting settled in, I feel so unsettled. It’s 2 a.m. and I’m not able to sleep — probably some combination of the travel throwing things off and emotions. Emotions have been a bit all over the place for us the last few weeks, but especially since we took off on Thursday. We’re excited, scared, anxious, and just about any other term you can think of. Jessica has been amazing, helping me to focus when I’ve been down and being such a bright light. While I never want to see her struggle, I certainly hope I can repay the favor if and when it’s necessary.

As I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I just kept praying. Praying for many of you, praying for family, for my own struggles, and for Hungarians. I knew I was being selfish in much of my prayer, asking for peace in this time of uncertainty, in this time of missing all the familiarity of home. However, it was in the midst of all this that God helped me to regain my focus. I was consumed with missing home, missing family and friends, but I realized I should be focusing on what many Hungarians are missing — a relationship with Jesus. The things I miss are temporary, but missing out on a relationship with Christ has eternal consequences. This is why we’re here. Many have gone before us, and many will go after us, but in this time and this moment, we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ.

I’m still trying to cope, but it makes it much easier when I remember God’s calling in our lives. And, I suppose it’s silly to think we’ll fit right in and feel settled within 48 hours anyway. :)

Thank you again to everyone for all of your prayers. It means so much to us knowing that you’re walking with us and supporting us from afar.

“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?” Luke 9: 23-25

This is a great reminder for me every day. It’s not something we finally achieve and then coast through the rest of the way, and it’s not something we put off for later. It is a daily call, a daily responsibility, and a daily privilege.

Prayer requests:

  • Continued strength and peace in the midst of incredible change
  • The GO Conference in the Netherlands that we’ll be attending August 23-September 3. More than 200 men, women, and children will be there, all going through the same transition process we are
  • Loved ones back in the States who might be struggling with the transition
  • Hungarians — that those who know the Lord would grow in their relationships, and those who do not might be impacted some way, somehow, by our presence here.



  1. Love this, and love you. Praying for you daily brother -- and missing you already, but so proud of you for answering God's call. Give Jessica a hug from me! You are both dearly loved!

    1. Thank you, brother. It means so much to us. Hope all is going well with your half-marathon training! Can't wait to hear about it.
