Monday, May 23, 2016

Why Baseball?

It’s hard to believe we are about three months away from leaving for Hungary! We’re excited and nervous and everything in between.

As you might be aware, my (Patrick’s) work will primarily revolve around the baseball ministry currently in place in Érd, Hungary.

Because it is not the most traditional form of mission work that you might think of, we thought we’d take the opportunity to share our thoughts on the simple question of: Why baseball?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


We took this photo of an ancient Roman road in Érd, Hungary, while on our vision trip. It reminds us that God goes before us on the unknown path ahead.


This is the main way we typically describe our lives when people ask us. Bordering on chaotic at times, but we wouldn’t say we’re there yet. There’s a lot that goes into moving across the ocean (who knew?) and as we try to stay on top of some things, it’s important not to let others fall by the wayside.

Patrick recently came by a short blurb online (and for the life of him he can’t find it again), so here is the loose summary of it:

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Time and transitions...

We’re at Starbucks right now, and we’ve just finished setting up our website! Well, the start of our website. We’ll be trying to post regularly to let you know what God is up to and how things are going as we get closer to going to Hungary. And, we’ll be adding more info and pages for your viewing pleasure. Goodness, August is coming so fast.

One change for us this week has been...