Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Time and transitions...

We’re at Starbucks right now, and we’ve just finished setting up our website! Well, the start of our website. We’ll be trying to post regularly to let you know what God is up to and how things are going as we get closer to going to Hungary. And, we’ll be adding more info and pages for your viewing pleasure. Goodness, August is coming so fast.

One change for us this week has been...

...Patrick getting laid off from his job at Presbyterian World Mission. Because church funding continues to decline, the mission agency must operate under a tighter budget, and because they knew he’d soon be leaving for Hungary, it made sense for him to be one of the cuts. We couldn’t have asked for a better separation package, though – and now Patrick will be able to devote a lot more time to reaching out to partners, figuring out what to do with our stuff before we move... you know, anything that needs done before we pack up and move across the ocean.

For us, it just seems like another clear sign from God that we’re heading in the right direction. He’s helping our transition in ways we wouldn’t have imagined, and that’s encouraging for us. It takes a lot out of us to work every night on our fundraising and team building, and motivation is key for us these days. God knows our need, and He provides.

We’re also incredibly encouraged by you, our awesome family, friends, prayer partners, financial partners. You really do keep us going with your encouragement and your giving hearts. Thank you all for allowing the Lord to work through you this way!

We’ll update again soon. Much love!

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