Tuesday, May 10, 2016


We took this photo of an ancient Roman road in Érd, Hungary, while on our vision trip. It reminds us that God goes before us on the unknown path ahead.


This is the main way we typically describe our lives when people ask us. Bordering on chaotic at times, but we wouldn’t say we’re there yet. There’s a lot that goes into moving across the ocean (who knew?) and as we try to stay on top of some things, it’s important not to let others fall by the wayside.

Patrick recently came by a short blurb online (and for the life of him he can’t find it again), so here is the loose summary of it:

A Christian woman from what Americans would consider an undeveloped country was speaking with a man about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The person she was speaking with assumed it was more important for her physiological needs to be met before she could focus on her spiritual needs because of her rough living situation. She in turn told him that because of her difficult living situation, it made it all the more essential for her spiritual needs to be the base of her hierarchy, as she was fully dependent on God for all aspects of her life.

It is our hope that we will someday attain that level of devotion. Admittedly, though, being a white, middle-class American couple, we do not have that same sense of urgency that many of our brothers and sisters in Christ do. We should be so lucky to have our needs met without much struggle, lest we allow it to become a curse.

So, in the midst of our busyness — the support raising, the homework assignments, the travel — we are praying we will not lose sight of the focus of our journey. We pray we will keep our eyes and our hearts upon Jesus, for He is the sole reason we are on this journey. It is much easier said than done at times, but it is completely necessary.

As part of our preparation for the Quarry training conference we’ll be attending in June, we recently studied the story of Martha and Mary from Luke 10. As good as her intentions may have been, Martha was focused on the wrong things. Mary allowed herself to be at peace in the presence of Jesus and listen to Him. As God is quick to speak, we also should be quick to listen. We don’t want to be so busy that we miss what He’s saying.

We appreciate all of your prayers and support! This week, please keep these prayer requests in mind as you spend time with the Lord:

  • Hungarians - may their hearts be open to the wonderful truths and grace our Creator offers, and that God would be at work in their hearts long before we have the opportunity to walk alongside them
  • Jessica and the ability manage a busy work schedule along with our other ministry work
  • Patrick and his transition from working full-time for PC(USA) to now focusing solely on our OM ministry work
  • Finally, for all of us who live such privileged lives, that we may remember the purpose of our lives on earth, and the overwhelming grace by which it is possible.

Peace and blessings,
Patrick and Jessica